Limiting your professional talents

Slice of life! 🙂When I’ll grow up, I want to be…

Did you know what you wanted to do once adult? Are you doing it?

Because my interests are very varied and talents are also very varied, for years and even decades I heard that one should not scattered itself but offer or specialize in one thing. And that way of thinking is very limiting for the girl in me. I’m not talking about life mission here but more about professional work.

It took me a aha ​​moment from reading and understanding that on the contrary, when we scatter ourselves with wisdom, guidance and passion, we are in a personal expansion mode (read expansion of our Inner Self)… offering to who needs it what we have and can offer.

Why limit yourself? Who hasn’t heard that if you are good at everything, you are good at nothing? What a false ego perception limiting our capabilities, because the ego prefers not to see us expanding in order to keep control of the negative emotions active in our mental space!

So for years, I officially jumped from one offer to another with the greatest joy possible, while unofficially I offered them all to my clients once in consultation because everything is me.

I often told myself that if I lived in a small village, I would probably be the healer and the Sage of the village with my little boutique in front of the house.

That’s it! This year, after completing trainings to better align a business and make it my retirement plan, I made the choice to be my Authentic self without professional restrictions.

It is relatively easy to follow this thought when you like one thing or when you feel skilled in one professional field. But if you are like me with a multitude of interests and skills, and each one can be a job in itself, it’s a constant stress issue. Why? Because you have to constantly create yourself and create your path as you go.

So, it is with pleasure that I put back some service offers that I had withdrawn on my website to offer the totality of who I am.

My village is the planet. I am like a department store, like Nordstrom because Neiman Marcus isn’t for every budget, and part of my mission is to offer affordable well-being tools.

I feel like saying Welcome! My name is Nathalie. How can I help you? 🙂

Remember to Breathe in, let go of your ego-based thoughts and vision, see from your Soul and Love Out.

Dr. Nathalie 🙂



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Self-Realization Food for thoughts book on Amazon.

How to Develop a Gratitude Attitude book on Amazon



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