Our Creator who is beyond our illusions

Metaphysically speaking, today I would like to share with you a simple interpretation and understanding of a prayer too often said without really understanding its meaning because the ego insists on making us believe that there is a God or an entity somewhere out there that looks at us with judgment.

And who likes to be judged? Nobody. Hence why many turn to their ego for self-mastery without understanding that they are doing exactly what the ego likes…that we are moving away from knowledge and from our Higher Self which is without any judgment, until the day when we can no longer trust our ego.

How can we judge something “divine”? How can something “divine” be wrong? Impossible, so our ego influences us with the fear of not “doing well” and of having to ask forgiveness from this “entity” which it does not believe in, for what our ego does and judges.

Our ego falsely influences us to take back control of ourselves and to take responsibility for “doing good” while taking back control of ourselves is to let our inner Self shine and take responsibility for not letting our ego take up our mental space by feeding all its thoughts, those coming from our ego.

But yes, before you get to change your thought system, asking for help with full awareness is the reason for this prayer.

Maybe you will see with new eyes through this interpretation why letting your inner Self shine is important in your everyday life and why understanding your ego makes sense on a mindfulness path or spiritual path, no matter what you like to call this well-being journey.

It is in fact on this note that I am ending a book that will be available soon.

Remember to Breathe In, let go of your ego-based thoughts and vision, see from your Soul, and Love Out

Dr. Nathalie 🙂



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